• Payments and Giving

    Here is where you can support our church, monthly justice partner, or building fund. You can also donate to various.

  • Social Justice

    It is essential to our congregation's mission and vision to embody our values. We aim for individual and global transformation,.

  • Events

    Find out what is happening at First UU. Here you will find times for everything. From our Sunday service times.

First Unitarian Universalist Church

Join us for services and programs at First UU Church! Visitors are always welcome.
We are a church that celebrates many sources of wisdom and many spiritual paths. We are guided by values of justice, compassion, and love. Your faith, your doubts, and your identity are welcome here! Find more about our faith tradition here: http://www.uua.org

Sunday Mornings:
9:00 am and 11: 00 am – Worship Services (9 am is live streamed on YouTube)
10:00 am – Social Hour
Activities and classes for children, and nursery care, available during services.
Youth meet between services.

Visitors: Under the “About Us” menu, learn about a typical Sunday and opportunities for newcomers.

Wednesday Evenings (September – May):
5:30 pm – “Tupper” Supper served by cook teams; free will offering.
6:15-7:00 pm – Creating Community
7:00 – 8:00 Forums/Meetings

First Unitarian Universalist Church