Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, and however you define yourself, we welcome you and your story in this church.
Click here to find out more about what our church believes.
We look forward to welcoming you!
To find out more about our community, we encourage you to come to Sunday worship. We typically meet at 9 am and 11 am September through May (10 am from June through August).
What You Can Expect from First UU
Our Mission: To be a welcoming, compassionate community that nurtures spiritual growth and practices justice.
Spiritual Connections
A spiritual community is exactly that: a space to nurture our souls through service, learning, and reflection, in a community of care and welcome.
First Unitarian Universalist Church provides a wide invitation for all to find connection and belong. Opportunities range from attending regular Sunday services to practicing ancient meditation practices to cooking meals for the community to helping kids with crafts.
Though all of these areas blend together, Hospitality, Faith Development, Social Justice, Creative Arts, and Social Opportunities, they each offer unique ways to connect people and nurture many spiritual paths.
Together, may we each find ways to nurture our spirits in community
Ways to Connect at First UU
We create change: in ourselves, in the world.
Seven days a week, Unitarian Universalists (UUs) live their faith by doing. Whether in community with others or as an individual, we know that active, tangible expressions of love, justice, and peace create a be- loved community. Embracing peace, love, and understanding that goes beyond individual belief systems, we are creators of positive change in people and in the world. Contact Melissa Eggler, Coordinator of Congregational Life congregationlife@uurochmn.org or call 507-282-5209 for more information.
The ways create change:
- Worship & Inspiration – Sunday mornings and beyond
- Learning & Growth – spiritual and educational programs for all
- Action & Service – volunteering and work for justice
- Connection – caring outreach, mutual support, and small groups ministry
- Celebrations & Rites of Passage – weddings, memorials, coming-of-age, and child dedications