Congregational freedom and the individual’s right of conscience are central to our Unitarian Universalist heritage.

We do not require that members adhere to a particular creed. Our congregation is a place where we gather to nurture our spirits and put our faith into action through social justice work in our communities and the wider world.

We are a congregation of people with diverse spiritual inspirations. Some of us were raised in families who worshiped in the Abrahamic or Buddhist faiths, others among us were raised as humanists, agnostics, or atheists. We seek to share a journey of spiritual growth and work together to find ways to live our faith in the world and cultivate a diverse, justice-seeking, spiritual community united by our values.

Sunday Service Hours:

September – May 9am & 11am
Last weekend in May through first weekend in September – one service at 10am
Live streamed services are available on our YouTube channel

Accessibility and Accommodations:

If there is something we can do to make your visit smooth and comfortable, we will. Go to our Accessibility and Accommodations page and if you find you need something further please contact Melissa Eggler, Congregational Life Coordinator, at 507-282-5209 or

Our minister leads most services from September through May. During the summer months, we frequently invite a diverse group of guest ministers to remind us we are part of a larger association.

Music is an important part of our services. Our choir – the Walden Hill Vocal Ensemble – sings about once a month. Other Sundays have musical offerings from our Co-Directors of Music, children’s choir – Chalice Choir, or members and friends of the congregation. We also frequently bring in other musical groups or individuals to share their gift of music.

Social hour – After each service, we gather to chat with old friends and welcome new ones. Coffee, tea, and treats are available.

Attending with Children – Sunday mornings are bustling and vibrant. We are delighted to offer faith development opportunities for our children and youth throughout the entire year. Childcare is available, however if you prefer, your child can attend the service with you.

Entering the Sanctuary:
We have no reserved seats; you are welcome to sit anywhere in the Sanctuary. An usher will welcome you and give you a Sunday order of service. Let the usher know if you need a hearing assistance device, large print bulletin or large print hymnal.

A typical service:
Although each service is different in subject content, they share common elements. A typical service will include a chalice lighting, music, readings, embracing meditation, an offering, a sermon, and a benediction.

Wear whatever is comfortable. We do not have any sort of dress code except that you wear something!