Walden Hill Vocal Ensemble

The Walden Hill Vocal Ensemble (WHVE) is committed to excellence in performance, which is surprising given how much fun the singers have each week! Being in choir—singing, breathing, thinking, experiencing, being together, and serving our church—is fun to do. We welcome your participation at any or all of our performances.

Choir Schedule (click for dates)

Who can participate?
WHVE is open to members or friends of the church ages 15 and up.

When do you practice and perform?
The choir practices in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Many choir members bring dinner and meet in the Commons to eat together starting about 5:15 p.m. Childcare is available with prior notice.

The choir sings at both Sunday services about once a month.

For more information, contact our Choir Director, Joe Mish.

Children’s Choir

Our Children’s Choir offers children ages 6-13 the opportunity to sing with others, learn about music, and contribute to the life of the church. As we grow and nurture the children’s choir, we encourage your child to join us.

Children’s Choir Registration

The Children’s Choir rehearses 2-3 times per month from 10:15-10:45 a.m. in the Chapel. We will also rehearse between the services on the four Sundays we perform at two services. Regular attendance at rehearsals is necessary for us to develop a cohesive, quality product, so we appreciate the commitment of both the children and their parents. See performance schedule to the right. If your child must miss a rehearsal or performance, please contact Joe Mish, choir director.

Children will receive a folder for music which they should bring to each rehearsal. Music will be collected after each performance.

We will keep parents/guardians updated on upcoming performances and other announcements via email or flyers distributed at rehearsals. If you have any questions, the best time to talk to Joe is at 10:45 a.m. when you pick your children up from rehearsals or via email. If you would prefer to communicate by phone, please indicate the best time to reach you on the registration form.