Our library has a diverse collection of adult and children’s books and a comfortable area for browsing and reading.
The library committee purchased one of her books entitled ‘The Beautiful Not Yet: Poems, Essays and Lyrics’ for our collection. This book is a heartening collection of additional poems, essays, and lyrics written by Carrie.
The book is located on a shelf next to the fireplace in the Hearth room. Please use the notebook on the shelf to check-out & return books. The Library Committee requests books be checked out for a maximum of 4 weeks. New additions to the Library will be located in the Hearth room for a while, and then moved to the main collection of young adult / adult books located in the hallway outside of the elevator exit to access the RE second floor. Please contact Mary Amundson, Patty Trnka, or George Huston if you have requests for new books; or Amy Nelson for books for the children and youth collection.
Collection Policy
Our library supports the mission of our church: to be a compassionate, welcoming community that nurtures spiritual growth and practices justice. To that end, we collect resources that:
- Deepen our understanding of Unitarian Universalism and UU history;
- Support a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
- Increase our understanding of the world’s major religions;
- Explore issues of social justice, especially those addressed by our task groups;
- Help people understand and cope with significant, personal questions and life issues;
- Address church governance, leadership, caregiving, and program management;
- Were written by UUs, including members of our congregation.
We collect a variety of resources for children and youth, but for adults, we collect mainly nonfiction. Most materials are in book form, although some CDs and DVDs are available. New formats may be added as needs change.
Materials are selected by the Library Committee, in consultation with the minister when appropriate. Suggestions are always welcome.
To check out a book, write the date, book title & author, and your name & email in the checkout binder in the library. We also have access to an electronic system you can use to check out books once you are set up as a patron. Ask any Library Committee member for details.
Books may be checkout out for four weeks. We do not enforce return times, but we encourage you to be a responsible patron. You will receive reminders by email when your book is due.
When you return the book, please place it on the teal cart between the library shelves on the west wall.
Donation Policy
Gifts of materials that support the library’s Collection Policy and are in good condition are encouraged but are subject to acceptance by the Library Committee. Donated items not meeting these criteria will be donated to other organizations, sold, or discarded. All proceeds from any sales will go to the library.
Library Committee
The Library Committee is responsible for developing and organizing the collection. We welcome the participation of all who love books! Watch the church calendar for meeting dates and times. Contact Amy Nelson with any questions.