Religious Education Volunteers/Teachers/Mentors

Religious Education – also known here as RE – is a place where adults and youth alike come together to learn what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist and a fully welcomed and valued member of our congregation. We need you to help in RE.  As an adult in our church, there is no greater responsibility than shaping the lives of our children. If you’d like more information, contact our Director of Religious Education, Joyce Rood, at


It takes a lot of folks working together to make our Sunday mornings vibrant, welcoming, and running smoothly.  Join one of our five Hospitality Teams on Sunday Mornings and help create our welcoming community. Each team is responsible for one Sunday per month, providing the volunteers needed that morning (greeters, guest table hosts, ushers, coffee hosts). If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, send an email to

Hospitality Information
Tips and Reminders for Providing a Welcoming Environment for People with Disabilities

To sign up for a Hospitality Team, follow these links:
First Sunday Team
Second Sunday Team
Third Sunday Team
Fourth Sunday Team
Fifth Sunday Team

Hospitality Resources

Audio/Visual Technicians

We have an audio/visual system in our Sanctuary that includes the sound system, visual presentations, and audio/video feeds to our Hearth Room and Commons areas during services.  If you are interested in learning about becoming an A/V Technician, our Worship Committee will help get you started.  Training is provided, and techs sign up for 1 or 2 services on Sunday mornings.  Occasionally, audio techs will be recruited for special events such as memorial services, weddings, or other church events. You can find more information and contacts here:  Audio Technicians

Caring Congregation

The Church utilizes the “Lotsa Helping Hands Community” website. This site provides a place for people in our area to go to request help, as well as for volunteers to offer help and lend a hand.  Click here to go to the website.