Dear First UU,
Thank you to all who have voted and participated in our Property Decision vote this past week. 275 members voted, which means that 68% of all members voted. 99.6% of the votes cast were in support of purchasing the Viola Road property, so in this vote, the congregation has approved moving forward with closing the purchase of the Viola Road property on May 10.
Now that we have a property decision, our next steps will focus on beginning to design our new church home. That process will be guided by Locus Architecture and will begin shortly. More information about the process that will be used to gather congregational input to guide a conceptual building design will be shared soon.
This is both an exciting and a tender time for our congregation. There is much excitement about the possibilities for a new building as we work together to design and create the space that we have been dreaming about for years. However, we also want to recognize that this can be a tender time for many as we think about eventually leaving this church home that has held and nurtured us for so many years.
As we move forward together, let us remember in gratitude the generations who came before us, and imagine a bright future for the generations yet to come.
In faith,
The Board of Directors
Kim Reid, President
Paul Trewartha-Weiner, Vice President
Kim Edson, Secretary
John Helmers, Treasurer
Members at Large: Briana Berg, Molly Dingel, Jodi Edmonson, Walt Rothwell, and John Tacinelli