Put on your best Sunday morning smile and help support our welcoming community!

Hospitality Circle Leader
Organize & Support hospitality circle members to volunteer one Sunday each month.

Hospitality Circle Member
Volunteer one Sunday each month in one of the following roles.

  • Sunday Morning Greeter
    Create a welcoming environment by greeting members and visitors as they enter our church.
  • Welcome Table Host
    Create a welcoming environment by greeting members and visitors as they enter our church.
  • Usher
    Welcome members, friends, and visitors as they enter the sanctuary. Hand out orders of service, hymnals, help with seating, and pass around the offering plates. Special Events Volunteer

Special Events Volunteer
We are a vibrant, active congregation with many gatherings and events throughout the year. This is a fantastic opportunity to assist in the life of the church – organizing, serving, or tidying up after a gathering. These events could include New Member Sunday, potlucks, to outdoor gatherings, etc.

Upcoming Special Event!
Donate, cook, bake, serve help with our Annual Service Auction!

Caring Congregation Group 

Caring Coordinator
The Caring Congregation group supports members by arranging meals, rides, and sending cards to show care and celebrate occasions. Members sign up for two-week shifts to coordinate care and build connections within the congregation.