2017/2018 Financial Report
The year-end financial reports for 2017-2018 are now available. Below are some report highlights. For those interested in the complete report, email a request for an electronic version to Connie Schuelka (administration@uurochmn.org). A few printed copies are available in the church lobby.
Highlights of the June 2017- May 2018 Fiscal Year:
- Overall, our income exceeded expenses by about $7,923. This reflects the difference between our income and expenses, as well as the gains in our stock assets as of the end of May.
- Income was about $10,186 higher than expected. Dividends, building rental fees, offering plate income, and auction income all exceeded expectations. These areas balanced out the total pledge income which was about $4,400 under expectation. We also received more mid-year and new pledge income than budgeted.
- Total expenses were about $5,156 over budget. The areas that ran higher than budgeted were: postage, administration supplies/printing, background checks, insurance, property maintenance/supplies, trash removal, mowing/snow removal, utilities, and elevator services. Some committees were significantly under their budgeted amounts.
The budget for 2018-2019 is $505,331.
- The budget includes a 3% salary increase for all staff, adds an Office Assistant position for 12 hours/week, increases the Coordinator of Congregational Life position from 12 to 16 hours/week, and adds committee budgets for Library and Sanctuary committees.
- We also budgeted additions to the Computer/Equipment Fund, Major Maintenance/Jumpstarter Fund, Furnishings Fund, Sabbatical Fund, and O.W.L. Fund.
It is your increased pledge income that makes these increases possible. Thank you for your generous support.
- The Jumpstarter Fund drive, started in 2016 to celebrate our 150th anniversary, is expected to receive another $14,200 in pledges before the May 31, 2019 deadline. Several building improvements and repairs have been made possible using these funds, and the Property committee continues to work on planned – and the always unexpected, unplanned – projects.
- If you are considering an extra donation to the church, please consider donating to one of the following funds:
Memorial and Commemorative Fund
Human Needs Fund
Major Maintenance/Replacement/Jumpstarter Fund
Endowment Fund
Want to learn more?
Consider participating on the Finance or Stewardship committees. Contact: Linda Thompson