Click HERE to go to the Pathway to Membership Welcome page and video.

Whether you are new to Unitarian Universalism or grew up in the faith, the decision to become a member of our church is an important one. Since we are a non-creedal religious community, members are not required to profess certain beliefs, but membership does mean that you have entered into a covenant with our community.

We govern ourselves and make choices about our educational programs, ministerial staff, and facilities. Becoming a member enables you to participate in congregational decisions and expresses a personal commitment to share your talents, resources, and energy with others in the congregation.

How do I become a member?

  • Attend virtual Pathway to Membership Classes
  • Sign the membership book at a New Member Sunday
  • Complete a Financial Pledge Form

For more information about these steps, contact Melissa Eggler, Congregational Life Coordinator.